Hoy me encontré un artículo fascinante: el yoga sucede y sólo sucede cuando encontramos un maestro.
Mientras lo leía no pude evitar pensar en todos los estudiantes que han tocado mi puerta y en todos los que estoy conociendo y que conoceré en el futuro. El yoga no puede suceder en soledad. La relación es en sí misma la que trae a la superficie todo nuestro condicionamiento, nuestros temores, inseguridades, puntos ciegos. Por eso es tan importante que haya de los dos lados consciencia de que el trabajo espiritual es arduo y difícil y una mutua consideración para poder avanzar.
Sostenerse con un sólo maestro no es tarea fácil. Hay una tendencia muy común a cambiar de maestro cuando nos tocan los botones. Son botones nuestros, no suyos. He tenido esta experiencia personalmente con el mío muchas veces. Muchas he querido salir corriendo, estar lo más lejos posible suyo y después de la pataleta de mi ego comprendo que él sólo me ha hecho el favor de mostrarme lo que ya estaba ahí.
El respeto mutuo y el compartir pasión pura por el tema en estudio son dos requisitos indispensables para que esta relación se sostenga. Si alguno de los dos pierde pasión, es imposible continuar el estudio. La relación es ya de por sí tensa: sólo los espíritus libres, aquellos que realmente tienen un anhelo muy grande por la verdad, sólo esos están dispuestos realmente a hacer Yoga. No sólo asanas. Los espíritus rebeldes somos así por naturaleza: sólo un maestro con una voluntad de hierro nos dobla.
Como estudiante creemos que sabemos adónde vamos, pero es el maestro el que nos va abriendo camino. Y aquí entra el elemento de confiar en el maestro y entregarnos a él o ella. Y esto implica también aceptar todas las imperfecciones del maestro como ser humano. El yoga como filosofía crea espacio para todos nuestros defectos e imperfecciones. Es de los pocos lugares en el mundo donde podemos ser como somos en verdad. Ahí radica el poder de la transformación: en tener un instante de absoluta honestidad con nosotros mismos y dejar de escondernos. El maestro se convierte en testigo silencioso de esta apertura y funciona también como testigo de nuestros cambios internos.
El maestro no es perfecto. De alguna forma, ninguno de los dos lo son. Por ello es un verdadero milagro cuando a pesar de los defectos mutuos el aprendizaje sucede. Aprender es el regalo más grande y es muy fácil matarlo, despedazarlo, huir de él y negarlo y por ello, ambos tienen que estar dispuestos a ir hasta extremos para proteger la relación de aprendizaje. En mis doce viajes a India he aprendido que no importa lo que suceda la próxima vez, ya sé que voy a regresar. Es un compromiso que he asumido conmigo misma de no abandonar: porque creo en mi maestro y él me demuestra con su vida y sus acciones lo que me está enseñando. Por supuesto que tienen defectos, como cualquier ser humano. No lo tengo en un pedestal. De su humanidad viene su máxima enseñanza: de ser padre de familia, esposo, muy dedicado, esforzado y amable. El sentirse a veces cansado y de mal humor, y aún así, hacer acto de presencia. El tener días buenos y días malos. Mi admiración porque es como yo.
El proceso de aprendizaje es tan frágil y valioso. Y hay que rendirse al proceso y hay que confiar en que hasta los defectos e imperfecciones son importantes. Y sucede. Milagrosamente sucede.
Tanto maestro como estudiante deben ir más allá de los defectos mutuos en aceptación, paciencia, confianza y tolerancia y celebrar juntos la transformación espiritual que está sucediendo a través de la dedicación de ambos a la práctica. Este aspecto de aprender juntos es el despertar del yoga en sí mismo dentro de cada uno de nosotros.
Descubrimos el yoga juntos en una alianza sagrada por ir más allá de las limitaciones de nuestras personalidades. El yoga no viene envasado ni es un producto final que el maestro presenta al estudiante. No hay respuestas fijas ni un mapa para conquistar el territorio. El yoga se descubre cada día.
Les adjunto el artículo completo de David Garrigues.
Con profunda gratitud por haber encontrado el mío.
Joy: We’ve had some tough times in the Mysore room. It hasn’t been all roses the past 12 years. Why do you think some student/teacher relationships work and others don’t? And I’m not referring to having several teachers. I’m talking about having 1 teacher. What’s at the foundation of a supportive and learning teacher/student relationship?
David: There are two things for me that are important. 1) It’s a lasting mutual respect. Without the respect in a long term way you can’t even call that person a real ally in your spiritual journey. 2) Both parties have to have a sustained passion for the subject. So if the teacher loses passion or the student loses passion then it will be very difficult to continue forward.
Joy: Do you think the relationship can ever be tension free? Short answer. Yes or no?
David: No. It can seem like a battle sometimes with your teacher and partially that’s because only a rebel spirit, someone with a very deep individual bent, a need to find their own way, will do Yoga.
Joy: When you mean “do Yoga” what are you saying?
David: The solitary quest that takes your whole life. And yet the universe has conspired to make it so that you need a guide. Even the most independent person needs help, an ally. And a good teacher is strong willed. They have ideas about how the student should practice. And so there you have it …both of you stepping into the boxing ring.
Joy: Round 212!
David: Round 212?! More like round 212 million! But you can’t box alone. You need each other. The student thinks they know where to go but then there’s the teacher shaping the path for them. And there will be times when that process goes very smoothly, they see eye to eye. The clash will be minimal and then there will be times when seeing eye to eye is much more challenging. Those are the tough times.
And this bring us to something really interesting to the practice which I think is really challenging for people. And that is the surrender aspect of the practice. The effective student/teacher relationship does have surrender in it. The student does surrender to the teacher. And even the sound of the word challenges us. Partially because of the potential of abuse. To give the teacher power through surrender is to potentially open yourself up to the flaws and the weaknesses of the teacher.
Om saha navavatu, saha nau bhunaktu
Saha veeryam karvaavahai
Tejasvi naa vadhita mastu
maa vid vishaa va hai
om shanti, shanti, shanti
OM, protect us both, teacher and pupil.
Cause both to enjoy the Bliss of Liberation
May we find out the true meaning of the scriptures
May our learning be brilliant
May we never quarrel with each other.
OM, Peace, Peace, Peace
And this is where the brilliance of the famous teacher/student prayer (Saha Navavatu) comes into our conversation. Not only is the prayer put in the “We”, as in the teacher and the student are discovering Yoga together, but it also deliberately creates space for imperfection and flaws. It acknowledges the teacher is not perfect. Somehow in various ways neither party is going to be approaching the whole thing perfectly. And so in a certain way it’s a miracle when learning takes place. That is why to learn is the greatest gift and so in that sense its so easy to kill it, to squash learning, to turn away from it and to negate it and so that’s why both the student and the teacher ought to be willing to go to great lengths to protect their learning relationship. Each must treat the process of learning as fragile and valuable. And so you surrender to the process and there’s a certain trust that even through the flaws the learning is going to come through. The right learning is going to come and somehow miraculously it does come. It really does.
It may seem odd that the relationship will cause both to see each other’s flaws. It is obvious that in seeing the students practice each day the teacher will see the students flaws but the student, through the unfolding process of being taught by the teacher, will also come to see the teacher’s flaws and short comings. And both parties must go beyond seeing flaws in each other, there must be acceptance, patience, trust and tolerance of imperfection but more importantly each must recognize and celebrate the slow steady spiritual transformation that is taking place within both persons through dedication to practice. There really is a ‘learning together’ aspect to the entire process and that is why the Saha Navavatu prayer is so important and continues to be relevant through the generations.
It is something new to understand that the teacher and student discover yoga together. This is partly based on the fact that yoga can truly only be discovered right now. Anyone and everyone who attempts to learn or experience yoga must be nimble, fleet of foot and of mind in order to catch even the faintest glimpse of the ‘elusive’, ‘unknowable’, Source aptly named by the poet Kabir as the ‘Secret One’. Yoga is not a dead or canned subject that a teacher presents to a student. It is essential to remember the point: no one has a set of fixed answers, no one has a perfect map that will infallibly lead to the desired territory. Yoga must be discovered anew in each new instance. Thus we need to rethink what we mean by the words student and teacher.
Photo by Michael Notrica
Joy: You have quite a few students now who are studying with you and are teachers. To you, what makes an excellent teacher?
David: 1) a teacher has an ability to lead the experimentation in practice that can bring a new experience of yoga. The teacher has a skillful nose like a hound, and thus can get on the scent of new ways of experiencing the postures, breathing and other techniques.
2) The teacher is able to inspire and to create a healthy, charged learning atmosphere.
3) The teacher also will be lovingly steeped in the traditions enough to know how to set up the proper conditions for the spirit of the lineage of hatha yoga to emerge as result of the research. Thus knowledge is not something fixed or solid, it is not passed down between people like Moses up on the mountain receiving the commandments etched on stone tablets. The knowledge is not to be dictated and enforced from above. A good teacher does not walk into the room in tangible possession of the truth or the way. He/she walks into the room with the ability and skill to respond spontaneously and creatively to the circumstances that arise. In that sense the teacher is not the infallible master, nor the ultimate wise person who knows all. The teacher will have to do some amount of groping around in order to find the spark in the moment that will turn into an illuminative fire of knowledge. And the knowledge that becomes available will only be available in this instance. Tomorrow the door that opened you up to knowledge today will be closed, gone forever. Tomorrow a new door to wisdom will have to be found again. And since the teacher doesn’t walk into the room with all the answers, there will be experiments that don’t meet with successful outcomes. Together the student and the teacher will come up against dead ends, obstacles, serious challenges where answers and/or solutions do not readily or easily present themselves. Thus not having ready answers to challenging, puzzling obstacles is not automatic grounds for judging or doubting the teacher.
4) A willingness to care
5) a sustained ability to try
6) courage to reach for truth
7) humility to be open to learning in service of finding new possibilities
These are the qualities of a skilled teacher.
The skilled teacher is not free of flaws or shortcomings, but he/she is able to put all else aside during times of contact with students when research and learning are taking place. Romantic or idealistic ideas about who or what a teacher is or is supposed to be can be harmful and block opportunities for the creativity and spontaneity that is required for learning to take place. The higher the student puts the teacher up on a pedestal the farther the teacher will fall when the student knocks the teacher off the pedestal.
Joy: That was super! (David took some time to write all that down.)
David: Don’t you think that’s an amazing thing Joy? The students whom have stuck around and continue to share yoga with me are the one’s who continue to value above everything else, the learning that takes place between us when we meet. And of course those who become long term students do so because they continue to experience the positive results that come from the particular veins of exploration that we tap into through our studies. And those students also must come to a place of acceptance of me, and trust that I am committed to growth. And so our mutual immersion in yoga is slowly transforming both of us!
Photo by Michael Notrica
Joy: I’ve never thought of it like that.
David: Yeah and that’s so cool—to learn, to grow, to change, to remain engaged in and committed to the process is to remain in a perennial vulnerable place –to constantly accept this place of exposure is a necessity for both student and teacher.
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