miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2014

River of faith

Sometimes life brings in a complex landscape.  Not the usual routine.  A new earth in which
the heart points to the moon and the new and the mind to the ground and the known.

Being a human being is no easy task. We all need to learn to have faith in our hearts.

Life has a way of putting me against the wall so i have to make the exact decision i´m procrastinating about.  So wise.  So sincere.    Serendipity?  Sinchronicity?  I guess it´s just Love answering my prayer to ride on the fast lane.  To stay awake and sober and not very confortable.

The spiritual path,  once we start,  gets steeper and steeper.  Last night i was wondering how my life would be if i hadn´t decided to wake up.  Not that i am awake at all, just trying to do my best to stay present.  I have an easier time when i release attachments to the outcomes,  when i take every moment as it comes instead of forcing it into what i think is right.  Can i stay open like a river?  Become the transmuter of events in my surrender of results?  Easy to say,  hard to act upon.  Minds have the habit of attachment,  neediness and of course,  doubt.

What to do?  Once i heard:  when you know,  GO. When you don´t know,  go SLOW.  I have no other option but to lower my speed,  maybe pull to the side and wait for a green light.  Or maybe i also have  the option to accelerate and trust my instincts.  In either case,  there are no guarantees for sure.  Just the possibility of making a decision is in itself a gift for me.  I am alive,  I can choose to love.  I can give my best even if imperfect and flawed.  I am a human being living from the heart- certainly trying to.  I will make mistakes,  learn again,  try again.  And i will never feel i am a finished product but a living organism who can maybe create some more love somewhere in this world.

My plans become loose and tender when i am ready to release them anytime.  They don´t become burdens or errors.  Just opportunities.  I am ready to play and find new perspectives.  My job helps because i am constantly changing scene:  this year i have been witness to Indian boulders,  Deutch tulips,  German lakes,  Mallorcan blue waters,  Patagonian skies and Californian sunsets.   Maybe Mexican smiles very soon.  All of these amazing scenes and the faces of my friends behind them confabulate to create a landscape inside my heart that understands that life is way too rich to pack it in box.

Stay open,  my heart says.  Trust your teachers,  be one with everyone.  Become each one of the eyes you meet,  try to put yourself in their shoes.  Listen,  receive,  connect.  All this instructions in the back of my mind everyday and the pit of my heart.  

Thank everybody.  Be grateful.  Search within.  Love more.

Life becomes this river of unending beauty when i can leave my plans behind and greet whoever i am with.  Knowing this person may not be there tomorrow.

Knowing each one is a miracle in itself,  just as i am.

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