Let the practice prevail: keeping politics at bay in yoga communities
We are living times of turbulence in the spiritual realm.
Kali Yuga is here, time of darkness. It means our efforts will have to multiply to be able to succeed and true masters are scarce and rare, like precious jewels hidden behind much garbage and fake intentions of many false ones.
The true flowers of a practice don’t come out for many years. Many think it’s about the spotlight, the fame or the popularity. Specially in these times of social media where anyone can become a diva by simply buying followers.
Real gold is hard to find and not everyone deserves it.
This picture holds a lot of value for me because my guru and two of my most devoted students from Spain are in it. So much has happened since we first met and our lives have been completely transformed.
What I value the most about Diego and Victoria is the purity of their hearts: simple and transparent, straight and powerful. Focused and scared, the magical paradox of holding the extremes of our polarities and yet daring to jump into the unknown.
The flowers of our shala are committed students, mutual support and real friendship. There is no competition here for the attention of our guru- it’s unnecessary and distracting. There is only a very demanding practice to take everyday and a life to be transformed- no more and no less.
In my own experience- strong practice leaves us speechless. It cuts through the noise of the mind and it’s ceaseless desires: desire to be the best, the most popular or the favorite. Those are petty issues in front of the hard work of shedding the layers of conditioning and going deeper in the truth of our beings.
True dharana, dhyana and maybe one day, who knows, full absorption into the Love if it’s meant to be.
Political lobbying is detrimental in a yoga shala- the aim of favoritism is another way of the ego. Many communities disappear when this happens and I love my community and cherish my teacher. He works so hard and needs our unconditional support and love- not the gossip, not the undermining, not the empty protagonism, the trying too hard to be seen and heard instead of focusing in going deeper in the practice.
Spiritual materialism builds a new personality- full of compassion, self decorated creations for public display. It’s full on narcissism of inorderly passion.
Self praise is no recommendation in our yoga community. There is no better than anyone, purer than others. This brings separation. We are all doing our best in our own sadhana and it’s personal and intimate, to be shared only with our guru. Children compete for the attention of their parents as any inmature creature may but times require us to mature in our practice and stand up by our teacher when he needs us- not for our personal pride but because times are heavy and samsara is attacking the true gurus from all fronts.
Shallow display of devotion is
Whoever gives, gives in the privacy of his relationship with his master and doesn’t require validation and self promotion. The Shala is a place to go deep- not to distract ourselves in chores that actually take us far away from the places that scare us.
In India we say when you are chasing two rabbits, both of them run.
Social media puts anything out of context. The depth is more important that the spotlight. I cherish my yogi friends who are low profile, who are true presences to look up to. You inspire me, the same as you Diego and Victoria.
My experience assisting these last month brought a lot of clarity. I could observe many things, including those who want to shine without doing the foundation work first. Progress in Ashtanga yogis is measured in decades, not years. Presence is something we cannot achieve prematurely and it comes after many heartbreaks and humble intention to be in our mats no matter what.
Students passion, humour and devotion is a residue of a well groomed practice in the intimacy of tears, sweat and the blessed connection to our master.
Students who are constantly looking for validation and lack depth in the practice are like a fly in the atmosphere that obstructs those who are serious enough.
Let’s not look outside- stop trying so hard. Focus on the series, the tool to transform our fears into power. The means to calm the mind and it’s infinite unworthiness.
Are you truly committed to your transformation?
Are you willing to let go of your personal agenda?
Are you honest and pure in your intention?
Everything shows in your practice: not in your insta feed or your stories.
Are you speaking about someone else behind their backs?
Are you gossiping about what you don’t really know?
What is your bottom line fear?
When are you finally going to address it?
We are in the perfect place to dissemble everything that is not you.
Being with our teacher should never be taken for granted. We deserve it only if we have the seriousness to stop the insanity of the old pattens brought into this sacred space. This takes time and focus, commitment and fearlessness.
Let’s go deep and be silent.
Let’s do, really do, this blessed practice.
Forget about the spotlight.
You are loved just as you are.
Mysore, December 1st, 2019
We are living times of turbulence in the spiritual realm.
Kali Yuga is here, time of darkness. It means our efforts will have to multiply to be able to succeed and true masters are scarce and rare, like precious jewels hidden behind much garbage and fake intentions of many false ones.
The true flowers of a practice don’t come out for many years. Many think it’s about the spotlight, the fame or the popularity. Specially in these times of social media where anyone can become a diva by simply buying followers.
Real gold is hard to find and not everyone deserves it.
This picture holds a lot of value for me because my guru and two of my most devoted students from Spain are in it. So much has happened since we first met and our lives have been completely transformed.
What I value the most about Diego and Victoria is the purity of their hearts: simple and transparent, straight and powerful. Focused and scared, the magical paradox of holding the extremes of our polarities and yet daring to jump into the unknown.
The flowers of our shala are committed students, mutual support and real friendship. There is no competition here for the attention of our guru- it’s unnecessary and distracting. There is only a very demanding practice to take everyday and a life to be transformed- no more and no less.
In my own experience- strong practice leaves us speechless. It cuts through the noise of the mind and it’s ceaseless desires: desire to be the best, the most popular or the favorite. Those are petty issues in front of the hard work of shedding the layers of conditioning and going deeper in the truth of our beings.
True dharana, dhyana and maybe one day, who knows, full absorption into the Love if it’s meant to be.
Political lobbying is detrimental in a yoga shala- the aim of favoritism is another way of the ego. Many communities disappear when this happens and I love my community and cherish my teacher. He works so hard and needs our unconditional support and love- not the gossip, not the undermining, not the empty protagonism, the trying too hard to be seen and heard instead of focusing in going deeper in the practice.
Spiritual materialism builds a new personality- full of compassion, self decorated creations for public display. It’s full on narcissism of inorderly passion.
Self praise is no recommendation in our yoga community. There is no better than anyone, purer than others. This brings separation. We are all doing our best in our own sadhana and it’s personal and intimate, to be shared only with our guru. Children compete for the attention of their parents as any inmature creature may but times require us to mature in our practice and stand up by our teacher when he needs us- not for our personal pride but because times are heavy and samsara is attacking the true gurus from all fronts.
Shallow display of devotion is
Whoever gives, gives in the privacy of his relationship with his master and doesn’t require validation and self promotion. The Shala is a place to go deep- not to distract ourselves in chores that actually take us far away from the places that scare us.
In India we say when you are chasing two rabbits, both of them run.
Social media puts anything out of context. The depth is more important that the spotlight. I cherish my yogi friends who are low profile, who are true presences to look up to. You inspire me, the same as you Diego and Victoria.
My experience assisting these last month brought a lot of clarity. I could observe many things, including those who want to shine without doing the foundation work first. Progress in Ashtanga yogis is measured in decades, not years. Presence is something we cannot achieve prematurely and it comes after many heartbreaks and humble intention to be in our mats no matter what.
Students passion, humour and devotion is a residue of a well groomed practice in the intimacy of tears, sweat and the blessed connection to our master.
Students who are constantly looking for validation and lack depth in the practice are like a fly in the atmosphere that obstructs those who are serious enough.
Let’s not look outside- stop trying so hard. Focus on the series, the tool to transform our fears into power. The means to calm the mind and it’s infinite unworthiness.
Are you truly committed to your transformation?
Are you willing to let go of your personal agenda?
Are you honest and pure in your intention?
Everything shows in your practice: not in your insta feed or your stories.
Are you speaking about someone else behind their backs?
Are you gossiping about what you don’t really know?
What is your bottom line fear?
When are you finally going to address it?
We are in the perfect place to dissemble everything that is not you.
Being with our teacher should never be taken for granted. We deserve it only if we have the seriousness to stop the insanity of the old pattens brought into this sacred space. This takes time and focus, commitment and fearlessness.
Let’s go deep and be silent.
Let’s do, really do, this blessed practice.
Forget about the spotlight.
You are loved just as you are.
Mysore, December 1st, 2019
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